Please select your options from below:
If you intend to book online you will need a valid Credit/Debit Card and
an email address. We also accept PayPal, BACS or cash to our London office.
Week Passes with no accommodation [CHANGE]
The week pass you are booking can be used for the course week that starts on Sun 27th August 2023 [CHANGE]
for 7 days [CHANGE]
Now Please choose where you would like to stay:
A week of drop in classes at Villa Roca [4 of 4 Place(s) Available]
Come and enjoy a whole week long course of yoga plus the meal that follows each class - only £150
This does not include the use of the villa.
You can always Call 00 34 618 712 418 or 00 44 (0) 7976 718961 to reserve your place or for any other information - but remember to check out our Frequently Asked Questions first!
If you have already booked your holiday and wish to make a payment please click here.